Sometimes when I think about the purpose behind Choose RCVRY I start getting emotional. Allow me to try explaining this range of mixed emotions and why my heart bleeds for this brand.

Some Things Can't be Unseen

It’s like when someone sees the middle of war and yet the freedom on the other side. Those scenes are forever seared into a person’s mind. One cannot unsee those things, and they have a profound impact on life going forward. I’m that person. God has riveted my eyes open to things I cannot unsee… about myself, about Him, and about others. It has completely unraveled me and everything I thought about myself, my purpose, and Jesus’ mission. Like Isaiah in Scripture, I am undone and live among a people of unclean lips and I’m one of them.

As I responded during my teen years in a simple way to that call who will go, I now respond in a deeply rooted way that oh God send me!! And what I thought at one time was a "just" a typical pastor and church planter call, God is showing me He’s brought me face to face with some things that leave me forever changed.

Lifting Others to Their Jesus Dignity

That’s what Choose RCVRY is to me. It’s a calling to run this race for Jesus with a fury for His glory in a world that needs unbound from the shackles of empty religion and freed with a relentless passion to sit with those that think they’re broken and point them to Jesus dignity.

This is the calling that rests so deep inside me. I can’t stop thinking of all those out there stuck in a trap house, a ditch, a toxic family, a brothel, a cage, in literal chains, behind a camera, or even in a church. Those unseen faces haunt me but in a beautiful motivation way.

So how does God reach them? Well for me and anyone who shares a similar rooted passion, He’s formed a LLC business called Choose RCVRY that operates in a super unconventional way to be Jesus through social media, videos, fashion, and inspiring more crazy dignified Jesus people to go lift the heads of more of the broken.

Unlikely Collaboration & Friendships

He takes a former porn addict confused and obsessed with all things sexual and a former sex trafficked alcohol/drugs addict and brings them together as friends to collaborate with this shared passion. Others have come and gone and some others still here and I believe more will come in future. But dang I gotta thank all my friends for going on this unconventional ride to those in hell along with me.

Everyone who helps with the brand does this by staking their reputation even through controversy of exposing their past in story and by sacrificing their time to help me build the brand and mission.

So those things that I cannot unsee fuel me. And I’m so thankful for a God who—although I didn’t see this method of mission coming—has given me these flames that will not and must not go out.

- Derek

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