God gave me some fresh encouragement today. Really it's been building for days and He allowed me to see it in fuller clarity. So the other day me and the two friends who help a ton with the Choose RCVRY brand met up at our local radio station where we recorded some fresh radio ads.

Amplifying Hope

One of the ads had this statement in it.... "we're blessed to be a part of amplifying community efforts with the world." Here's what I meant by that... our community (Soldotna, AK) is so blessed with not just great churches, but also with community resources, organizations, and facilities that are increasingly working together to truly bring change in the darkness.

The darkness I speak of is those who for various reasons are trapped in addiction or incarceration or homelessness. Soldotna has it's own food bank and the hospital system here operates a detox and treatment centers as well as an aftercare program which includes a transitional housing option. On top of that, Kenai (just nearby to Soldotna) has several other places that also offer help... some connected with Alaska native tribal assistance, ongoing addiction treatment care, job search assistance, housing for women from domestic violence, and more. On top of all that there are ministries like Freedom House (sober transitional housing ministry), ABC Life Choices (ministry to women and men as they navigate pregnancies and life as new parents), Love INC (a ministry that does so much for our homeless and families with all sorts of practical needs), Friendship Mission (men's ministry home to help them transition back to society), Compass Youth (a coffee shop and ministry to engage youth), and several others as well. Then there are all the churches that have many people involved in all those places... and make those organizations or ministries work every day by their participation.

At one time, I had no clue about all these resources. And also at one time, these organizations and ministries didn't work together like they do now. But times are changing and we've seen a beautiful cooperation blossoming in recent years.

Together We Are Stronger

What a beautiful picture that really captures the essence of our shirt, "Together We Are Stronger Than Addiction"! When we came out with that design, I feared it would be lumped into the whole Covid stronger together statement. But for us, the meaning goes much much deeper!

So what about you and your community? We realize that not all communities have these organizations and ministries or level of cooperation. But like I said earlier, it hasn't always been like this here either! Get educated in your own community on what resources are available. Maybe God will lead you to start something!? Or maybe you'll be the one He uses to help bring about better collaboration in your own community too! It's so easy to sit back and complain about what doesn't exist or happen, but instead choose to be that change together!

So yes, we are super blessed to amplify the beauty that we see God growing in our own little corner of the world! Wherever you live, amplify the awesome work of God in recovery for your community too!

- Derek

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