When Choose RCVRY started, I (Derek) had a big dream for this brand beyond just apparel. I dreamed of the brand really making a dent in this world for good. And so with a big dream and main logo designed on my iPhone and laptop, the brand began.

During that first year (2019) a few friends helped their crazy friend showcase the gear and get things off the ground. I had no idea what I was doing, and still in some ways feel that way haha!

Fast forward to 2021 and Choose RCVRY continues it's slow but steady growth. One of the things I LOVE about the brand is the collaboration of friends related to recovery behind the scenes. We don't delegate out our main marketing and social posts... or our designing of the products for that matter. We are all in recovery from something and we pour our hearts and souls into every design, every facebook/instagram ad, every daily post, and every released podcast/YouTube video. We do this because we truly believe in the power God brings in recovery. We do this because we want more people to experience this beauty in their own stories as well!

One aspect of this that we're proud of is the nature of our recovery stories. Currently, the main 3 of us behind the brand have stories of incredible redemption. From pornography, sex trafficking, and alcohol/drug addiction we now find ourselves working together to change this world with the hope we've each found. 

This recovery finds its roots in our faith in Jesus, but practically through tools related to working the 12 steps, AA, treatment, church, and most recently (for me) a ministry that puts on conferences around the theme of Pursuing the Hidden Heart.

This past weekend I was blessed to attend Pursuing the Hidden Heart along with Britney and her husband Tim. They even had one of their daughters attend it as well! Britney and Courtney (who you see behind the brand) have both attended this conference before and they both continue involvement with it. Britney actually invited me (recently) and Tim (and many others too haha) to go for awhile and patiently waited for God's timing. It was especially special for her husband Tim to go this time along with one of their daughters and it ended up being the same time that I decided to go as well! The thing that made this retreat so powerfully unique was the telling of our stories in a safe environment. We faced the shame by grieving our past abuses and hurts while also owning our responses to that past before God and others.

I personally learned so much about areas where my own heart had been led astray from my past. From my own addiction, to legalistic religion, and my bitterness toward people who've hurt me, I processed it all. And what an awesome thing to process all this with others together.

I now understand why my friends Britney and Courtney have found so much healing through this ministry! Truly bringing your shame into God's light and truly learning to be authentic with other trusted people is so healing.

This is the essence of why Choose RCVRY exists. It's more than apparel. We aim to create a brand experience that shouts hope and equips you to share God's hope of recovery with the world!

Thanks for rocking recovery with us and being a small part of changing this world together as we all learn to recover from our shame! 🙌

- Derek

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